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Mandy Brymer

Patient Experience Officer @ South Eastern Health & Social Care Trust

Employee Image of Mandy Brymer

Mandy is Patient Experience Officer, her job includes running & managing the largest integrated Car Park in Northern Ireland, shes been talking to us about her role.

Can you tell us how about your job and what you do from day to day?

I am a Patient Experience Officer in Car Parking and deal with a range off duties including running & managing the largest integrated Car Park in Northern Ireland. I receive and administer car parking exemptions for patients through ward managers discretion, to issue to those various visiting categories of patients and visitors. Much of my time is spent programming and issuing access passes to staff, responding to their verbal queries and solving problems.

How long have you been in your current role?

I have been in my current role 10 years and with the Trust for 20 years starting when I was just 17 years old.

What experience/education is required in order to perform this role?

I have a NVQ in NHS Security which involved a trialing process at the Ulster Hospital and completed a range of training modules which help me perform my job. I also have had an extensive training on the Zeag Management Stations (ZMS) which controls all the car parks on site and provides support on many administration requirements.

What is the biggest challenge in your role?

My biggest challenge on a daily basis is to ensure that both I and my staff provide a first class service to all and to ensure that the equipment support operates with a high level of efficiency.

I work with great people which is rewarding enough but to provide support in this way gives me great satisfaction.

What advice would you give to others looking for a job in your field?

Study at school to gain some qualifications to enable you to further advance yourself within the organisation. Keep yourself fit and healthy as there is a lot of manual tasks to carry out within the department. Have a pleasant disposition as this helps put the people that you are dealing with at ease as they are often very stressed at having to be at the Hospital whether it be as a patient or visiting their ill relative/friend, and when they leave they will have had as pleasant an experience as possible.

What do you like best about your role and working in HSC?

Interacting with many different types of people from staff members to the visitors and patients. Being able to help the users make the visit to the Hospital that little bit easier and easing the stress of having to be here. Knowing that I have been able to assist users that are already extremely stressed from either being a patient or visiting their ill relative/friend. Mainly just being able to help where I can and also getting job satisfaction from helping.