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Gavin O'Prey

Solutions Architect @ Business Services Organisation

Employee image - Gavin O'Prey from  BSO

Gavin is a Solutions Architect working in the IT Services Department of the Business Services Organisation (BSO) in Belfast City Centre.

Hi Gavin, Can you tell us how about your job and what you do from day to day

As a Solutions Architect in the eHealth Programme I am responsible for designing system architecture to meet the requirements of providers across primary, secondary and community care. My current focus is the on-going growth and development of the NI Electronic Care Record (NIECR). This is a portal computer system giving health and social care professionals across the HSC a single, secure overview of key information about their patients in order to aid better, faster, safer decision making and improve the quality and efficiency of the services we provide.

I’m responsible for ensuring all teams continue to use appropriate technologies and good practice to successfully implement system design. I also guide the use of agile methodologies to better enable BSO to meet the constantly changing demands of patient health in Northern Ireland.

As a senior manager I also have responsibility for programme and project planning, leading and managing a team, budgeting, risk management and working effectively with a wide range of stakeholders.

How long have you been in your current role?

I have been in my currently role for one year in BSO.

What experience/education is required in order to preform this role?

It’s essential that a Solutions Architect has a strong technical background. We also require experience working with a wide range of technologies, and experience in selecting appropriate technologies.

Vendor/Supplier management is crucial as BSO works with a wide range of external partners to deliver its services.

Project management skills and experience are also essential as the solutions architect will lead multiple teams in implementation.

What is the biggest challenge in your role?

The biggest challenge as a Solutions Architect is ensuring the use of technology and software methodology is appropriate for BSO and the health care providers we deliver services to.

What advice would you give to others looking for a job in your field?

Solutions Architects should have a passion for technology, and keep themselves aware of the latest design tools, development tools and languages and architecture best practice. They should also seek experience of tailoring system architecture to meet needs and leading multiple teams to deliver and support system architecture.

What do you like best about your role and working in HSC?

The best thing about my role in HSC is being able to see real value in the design and management of software solutions and architecture for patient and client care. I like the fact that our programme delivers real benefits to frontline health professionals in hospitals and in the community who are working to deliver and improve health and social care in Northern Ireland.