Where can I add a personal statement or cover letter to my application?
There is nowhere within the application process to add a personal statement. There is a section within the application named “Cover letter” but this is a field for adding information on how you heard about the post.
I’m having problems completing an application for a specific job
To allow us to investigate the problem, please provide us with the following information via the candidate support contact form:
- Job Title
- Trust/Organisation
- Band
- Location
- Job reference number
How do I move through the various areas within the application process?
To view different parts of the questionnaire, you can either click on the folder icon which will give you a drop down enabling you to go straight to a specific section by clicking or use the arrow to tab through each section.
I’m ready to submit my application but am receiving error messages
Any errors or incomplete sections will prevent submission. These will be displayed as a red exclamation mark.
You will need to go through the application again and ensure all mandatory sections are completed in full.
These could include areas where something that does not apply to you needs to have an “N/A” entered in the box.
I applied for a post which has now closed and I need a copy of the job spec/description
Unfortunately once a post closes the full job specification/description becomes unavailable. Please contact erecruitsupport.ssc@hscni.net with the full details of the post and location.
It’s advisable when applying for a post to either print off the job spec or save a copy to your device for reference prior to the closing date as job specs are not available after this time. While posts are open, a copy of the job description/specification is available within the job posting under “Job Summary”.
It is recommended to save/print a copy before the post closes as this becomes unavailable when a post has closed.
How can I edit an application I have already submitted?
If you wish to go back and add to or amend an application after submission we would advise you to only do this if there is plenty of time before the closing date. Applications cannot be edited once submitted so the only way to do this is to withdraw your application. You will then need to start a fresh application for the same post and ensure to add the missing information.
**Important Note: Any information from this application will be lost when withdrawn. Any information you wish to use in the fresh application, particularly answers to how you meet the criteria should be pasted onto a blank word document. This can then be pasted into the fresh application form.
N.B: The equal opportunities section is not mandatory and will not be used for shortlisting.
How can I access old applications?
To view old applications, go to “My applications” within your account. You will see a list of all current and previous applications completed or in draft.
To view an application, click on the post for the one you wish to view and it will highlight blue.
At the bottom of the page the button “Continue/Display Application” Select this option and scroll down. At the bottom you will see “All questionnaires of the application” Choose which section you wish to view by clicking on it.
How do I know if my application has submitted?
Please check the following:
- Check your email inbox and junk items for an automated email confirming submission.
- Check the status of the application is “In process”
- If there is no confirmation email and status doesn’t show as in process, please contact the recruitment team on erecruitsupport.ssc@hscni.net who should be able to advise if your application has been received.
Can I apply for posts using the Employee Self-Service area of HRPTS?
It is advisable that candidates apply for posts through the HSC Jobs website rather than through HRPTS.
This ensures candidates HSCNI email addresses are kept free for any future recruitment duties and also ensures notifications re receipt of application, interviews etc. can be received outside of the office.
If you do not have an external HSC Jobs account, registration will need to be completed on https://jobs.hscni.net/ using an external email address (Hotmail, yahoo, BT etc.).
Any queries regarding the HRPTS system should be directed to your own H.R dept.
I have applied for a post and not heard anything
Please be reminded to continually check your email account for correspondence in relation to your application as all communication to candidates is shared via email details provided on application forms.
Sufficient time should be allowed for shortlisting to take place.
If your query is in regards to your application form being processed by Recruitment Shared Services, please contact 028 95362998 to speak to a recruiter who oversees the recruitment & selection activities.
Is there a character limit in the answer fields of the application?
There is no character limit in the answer fields of the job specific questionnaire section. The system will allot as much memory/space as is required to store the answer/text entered by the candidate.
I would like to check my application before I submit it
When the application is ready to submit, the file option below will be displayed containing a PDF.
This is a short preview of your application and does not display the job specific questions and answers.
If you wish to review your full application before submitting, do not click on the “Send Application Now” button at this point.
To review the full application, click on “My Applications” within the overview section.
Click on the relevant post until it is highlighted blue. The buttons below will become available; click the “Print/Preview” button.
The preview will be displayed as a PDF document. This can be scrolled through and reviewed, saved or printed.
Once you are ready to submit, return to “My Applications” and follow the previous guidance to select the relevant post.
This time choose the option to “Continue/Display Application” where you can tab through the sections and either add/edit your answers or submit your application by clicking the “Send Application Now” button.
I need to submit a manual application form
If you are unable to submit an online application, you can download a manual application form from the Job Details page of the vacancy you wish to apply for.
Manual applications should be posted to: Recruitment Shared Services, Rosewood Villa, Longstone Hospital Site, 73 Loughgall Road, Armagh BT61 7PR.
Applications which arrive after the advertised closing date/time will not be considered.
Please note that the following Trusts/Organisations accept online applications only: Belfast Trust, BSO, CCGANI, NIAS, NIBTS, NIMDTA, NIPEC, NISCC, PCC, PHA, RQIA and SPPG.