How can I delete an account?
To delete an account, login to the account and go to the overview section. Then select “Delete Registration” as below.
Click on the “Delete Registration” button as below.
Note: Once an account is deleted there is no means to retrieve it. All information attached to the account including any active applications will be lost. Deleting accounts is only recommended where absolutely necessary.
To prevent accidental deletion, the system will prompt for a further confirmation. Once “OK” is clicked, the account and all information and applications tied to the account will be irretrievable.
Once successfully deleted, you will be taken back to the registration page.
The account is no longer available and attempted logons will fail.
Where can I enter my qualifications?
There is no distinct section for qualifications; this is captured (if required) within the job specific questionnaire.
There is also nowhere to attach a personal statement or C.V. The job specific questionnaire is normally within section 4 – questionnaires, you will be asked to demonstrate how you meet the essential and desirable criteria as per the personnel specification.
How do I add and amend referees?
Log in to the website; go to your candidate profile. Click on box 3 “Referee Details” to display current referees. You can add or edit the referee details. You can delete referees by clicking on the line until its highlighted blue and use the delete button. Click save and next.
How do I complete the residency section of my profile?
In regards to immigration/residency queries, our remit only covers the following:
- Guidance on how to complete profile/application
We can only provide guidance on how to complete this section and cannot provide advice on which option a candidate should select.
Guidance on how to complete the residency/immigration section of the candidate profile below: (Note: this is a mandatory section which will need to be completed prior to submitting any applications)
This section is available to view when logged in to your account. To add, edit or delete the information click on the line to highlight blue/select it. Use the buttons below as appropriate to add new information, edit or delete what is already populated.
Select appropriate nationality which will give you the available document types which can be used. If UK is selected, there are a number of options available within the document type list.
Enter the relevant information in the box below and click the transfer button to save or the cancel button to cancel.
The only passport option available is UK Passport and if this is selected as the document type, only a UK passport number should be entered in the box below.
If EEA or Swiss Nationals is the nationality selected, the only document type available will be a Passport or National Identity card and the appropriate number should be entered in the box below along with the Country of Issue from the drop down menu.
Click the transfer button to save or the cancel button to cancel.
If Non-EEA Nationals is the nationality selected, there are a number of options available to select as the document type.
Select the appropriate document type which you will be using.
Once the document type is selected, there will be information similar to the below which will need to be populated. This may be different depending on which document type is selected.
Once complete, click the transfer button to save or the cancel button to cancel.