How do I register?
Please click on the register button in the menu and enter your details to register with us.
I have tried to register and the system will not allow me to
If this is displayed, there is already an account linked to this email address. Please follow the “I have forgotten my password” guidance to gain access to the account. *Note: You will need to have access to this email inbox to use the self-reset function.
If this is displayed, there is already an account with this username. If there is a possibility this is your account, please follow the “I have forgotten my password” guidance to gain access to the account.
If not, please continue registration choosing an alternative, unique username.
- Please ensure the password you have chosen follows the correct password convention (it may be helpful to choose a password of exactly 8 characters to include a special character e.g. ABCDEF*2)
- Consult the guide in this link to ensure the issue is not caused by your browser
- If the above does not work, please clear cookies/browser history and re-start your device (guidance should be available via a search engine such as google on how to do this).
- Please try registering on an alternative device
- If you still cannot register, please send a screenshot so we can investigate
Note for HSC Employees with HRPTS accounts:
The eRecruitment and HRPTS systems are linked. The same email address cannot be linked to both systems. If you have an HRPTS account and are trying to register on eRecruit with the same email, the system will reject this highlighting the email address as already in use.
HSC work email addresses should be reserved for any recruitment duties carried out for your trust/organisation. Similarly, HRPTS will not allow an email address to be used if it is linked to HSC Jobs.
What email address should I use to register?
- It is recommended a personal email address is used. This ensures you can access previous applications and profile should you move jobs or need access to correspondence/self-password reset outside working hours.
- The system doesn’t allow the same email address to be registered to multiple accounts. An error message stating the email address is already reserved can be due to the following:
- The email address has already been used to create a registration. The “I forgot my password” guidance may be followed if the username or password has been forgotten.
- The password convention has not been followed when choosing a password. Please re-try and ensure the password convention guidelines have been followed.
I no longer have access to the email address I used to register
It is the responsibility of the candidate to gain and maintain access to the email address they use when completing registration for an HSC Jobs account.
If you no longer have access to the email address linked to your HSC Jobs account, you will need to complete registration again for a new account.
There is no means of linking previous application data on other accounts with the new registration; unfortunately this information will be lost if candidates are unable to gain access to previous accounts.