I have forgotten my password
1. Click on ‘Login to your account’.
2. Click on ‘Open login in full page’.
3. Click on ‘Forgot your password?’
4. Enter the email address linked to your HSC jobs account.
The function will not work if both fields have info entered. The email address must be the one linked to your account and you must be able to gain access to this email address in order to retrieve the email containing the temporary password.
When you copy the text of the temporary password and Username ensure that you do not add a space to the beginning, middle or the end of the text, the system will not recognise the data and it will fail.
When you have received the password reset email. Copy the confirmed Username into the first field/box. (User)
Then copy the temporary password into the second field/box. (Password)
After clicking 'Log On', The next step is:
- Copy the confirmed Username into the first field/box. (User)
- Copy the temporary password into the second field/box. (Current Password)
- Enter a new password, of your choice, into next field/box. (New Password)
- Enter the same new password into the last field/box. (Repeat Password)
Your new password is now set and you can log in using it. The below will be displayed if there are too many failed attempts. The above steps will need to be repeated again to gain a new temporary password.
I have forgotten my username
- Follow the guidance in “I have forgotten my password”.
- This will generate a PDF which will be sent to the email address registered to the account.
- The PDF will contain a new password and the username linked to the account.
- If using this process to gain your username, you will also need to follow the guidance to re-set your password.
I have attempted to access account but I have error message
If you have attempted to enter a Username and password and it shows an error message as below:
Please ensure that both the fields/boxes are cleared and empty before selecting the ‘Forgot your password’ option (as below)
I can’t login to the site
- Have you registered? To log in to HSC Jobs you will need to have an account
- Ensure the username is entered in log in and not the email address
- If you have forgotten your username or password please follow the steps within “I have forgotten my password”
- Login details from the earlier version of HSC Jobs (which ceased in March 2017) will not work in the current version. A new registration is required.
I followed the guidance in “I have forgotten my password” but it is not working/I did not receive a temporary password email
The username is not required when requesting a password reset. It will be confirmed in the password reset email.
If self-reset email is not received:
- Please check all email folders including main inbox, spam, junk etc.
- Please refresh your email inbox
- Please try closing your email inbox and re-open
- email will be sent from: no-reply@hscni.net
When you are following the password reset procedure check that you have left the two fields/boxes empty when selecting the ‘Forgot your password’ option.
The next screen to appear only requires the email address linked to the account to be populated.
If these steps are followed correctly, the process will enable a password reset email to be issued by no-reply@hscni.net
I have entered an incorrect password when trying to login and the system says 'Too many failed attempts'
- The “forgotten password” option is still available
- Please follow the steps contained in “I have forgotten my password”
I no longer have access to the email I registered with so am unable to use the “I forgot my password” guidance
It is the responsibility of the candidate to gain and maintain access to the email address they used upon registration.
Jobs.hscni.net gives clear guidance in the FAQ’s on the site as to how to complete registration (including what email to use upon registration) within the “Registration Issues” section.
If you no longer have access to the email address linked to your HSC Jobs account, you will need to complete registration again for a new account. There is no means of linking previous application data on other accounts with the new registration; unfortunately this information will be lost if candidates are unable to gain access to previous accounts.
I wish to request a password re-set on behalf of another user
- Due to GDPR regulations, we cannot take actions on another users account without their authorisation
- The authorised user/owner of the account will need to contact us directly
I have received the password reset email but I’m still having difficulties
For best results it is recommended that you use a PC or laptop when resetting the password.
When you copy the text of the temporary password and Username ensure that you do not alter the text in any way. You can then paste the text into the necessary field/box.
If you add a space to the beginning, middle or the end of the text, the system will not recognise the data and it will fail.
You will have to re-attempt the password reset process if this occurs.
When you have received the password reset email. Copy the confirmed Username into the first field/box. (User)
Then copy the temporary password into the second field/box. (Password)
After you have completed this, select ‘Log On’.
The next step is:
- Copy the confirmed Username into the first field/box. (User)
- Copy the temporary password into the second field/box. (Current Password)
- Enter a new password, of your choice, into next field/box. (New Password)
- Enter the same new password into the last field/box. (Repeat Password)
How do I copy and paste?
One method to copy and paste is:
Highlight ALL the text you require by clicking cursor, holding down left click and dragging across text and then select the Control key AND ‘C’ key together.
This will copy the text.
Move the cursor to where you intend to enter the text and click.
Then select the Control key AND ‘V’ key together.
This will paste the text.