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10 Key Facts

Top 10 Key Facts about the Health and Social Care Northern Ireland

1. About HSC NI

Map of Trusts

6 Health and Social Care (HSC) Trusts provide integrated health and social care services across Northern Ireland:

Each HSC Trust has a statutory obligation to put and keep in place arrangements for monitoring and improving the quality of health and social care which it provides to individuals and the environment in which it provides them (Health and Personal Social Services (Quality, Improvement and Regulation) (NI) Order 2003).

2. Transforming Your Care (TYC)

Transforming Your Care (TYC) is a current programme tasked with making Health and Social Care (HSC) more modern and improving health and social care services for everyone in Northern Ireland (population 1.8 million).

3. HSCNI Staff Profile

Nurse with Walking Frame

Approximately, 66,000 people are directly employed across local health and social organisations, the vast majority (80%) are women. All HSCNI organisations offer flexible working opportunities.

(Data taken from the Northern Ireland Health and Social Care Workforce Census March 2015)

4. Accident and Emergency Activity

In 2013/14 there were 610,000 inpatient/day case admissions to hospital and 727,000 attendances at Accident & Emergency.

5. General Practitioner Levels

There are approximately 350 General Practitioner Practices within the province.

6. NI Population in terms of Health

According to the Health Survey Northern Ireland, 2013-14, 73% of adults in Northern Ireland described their health as ‘good’ or ‘very good’. There was no difference between males and females view on their general health although, younger males tended to rate their health more positively than younger females with over half of males aged 16-24 (54%) rating their health as ‘very good’ compared with two-fifths of females (40%).

7. Patient Health Aspirations

73% felt there was something they could do to make their life healthier, as well as eating more healthily (49%) and being more physically active (54%) respondents felt reducing the amount of stress in their lives (30%) and controlling their weight (34%) would make their lives healthier.

8. Centres of Excellence

Northern Ireland has recently been awarded a role as one of five UK regional centres of excellence for the delivery of precision medicine.

9. Links with Universities & Colleges

There are strong links and relationships with the HSCNI and the local Universities and colleges (Queen’s University, Belfast and University of Ulster).

10. Northern Ireland Health and Social Care Workforce Vacancies 2015

At 31st March 2015, there were 2,235 (2,033.7 whole-time equivalent [WTE] posts being actively recruited to in Health and Social Care organisations, for a WTE vacancy rate of 3.6%.