Wayne Cooke
Staff Nurse @ Belfast Health & Social Care Trust

Wayne is a staff nurse in the haemodialysis unit at the Belfast City Hospital. Find out more about his role below.
Hi Wayne, Can you tell us how about your job and what you do from day to day
I work in the haemodialysis unit in the Belfast City Hospital. We are an outpatient department, providing dialysis for patients with chronic end stage renal failure. We are a 40 bedded unit open 6 days a week from 7am to 12 midnight. Patients will attend dialysis 3 times, sometimes 4 times a week. I am responsible for assessing patients, safely connecting the patient to the dialysis machine, via a central venous catheter or an arterio-venous fistula, monitoring patients and maintaining a safe environment.
What experience/education is required in order to perform this role?
My 3 year adult nursing degree. No renal experience is required as 12 weeks training with the renal clinical educators is provided on commencing the post. You will then attend the Introduction to Renal Course. Learning is continuous on a daily basis.
What is the biggest challenge in your role?
I cannot think of one particular thing. To be honest, if ever I have a challenging day, I have a great team who are always there for support and guidance. You are well looked after and management are very approachable.
What advice would you give to others looking for a job in your field?
The dialysis unit is a fantastic place to work. It is a speciality service; therefore, you will learn skills that are unique in nursing. You will be part of a nurse led facility, giving you the opportunity to think on your feet and work well within your nursing team. You will really get to know your patients and have a sense of job satisfaction that you have provided the best care for your patients.
What do you like best about your role and working in HSC?
I love my nursing team. I love seeing the patients. I love having the skills acquired here. I love the hours I work. I love feeling part of something big that is making a real difference to people’s lives.